Being the only girl, and the youngest, I’ve always been Daddies girl.
So for his 70th birthday gift, what better than the incredible Harry Potter World? The one place he has always wanted to visit.
Originally, I had booked this present to go in November, however I was admitted to hospital ill with severely infected tonsillitis the night before. Sods law right?
I had wanted to have a Daddy-Daughter day for such a long time, I just hadn’t got around to it as I am always so very busy with my three sons, husband and Dinky days. But after a friend had lost her Father, I knew I had to get my bottom into gear, and the gift had to be perfect. In the past, Id bought my Dad things for his camera (he is always a photographer), plus Harry Potter memorabilia of course. This time had to be different, something we could do together which would make his adorable little face light up.
It didn’t take long for me to think of the perfect gift, none other that Harry Potter World Studio Tour!
Wanting to get the ball rolling, I called Dad to try and arrange a date for a ‘day out’. It wasn’t far into the phone call when he guessed my plan. Caught out! The man knows too well. Oh well, this ruins nothing at all, it just adds more excitement!
As mentioned above, our first date we had booked, had to be moved.
I called whilst still in my hospital bed, antibiotics by IV and dehydrated. Sadly, when I called, I was told by a man that I couldn’t not exchange my tickets for another date, even though I was in a situation out of my control.
Obviously disheartened by this, I aired my feelings on social media. No rudeness, just simply gutted that this happened and I really wished it could be rectified, but understood if it couldn’t. A few hours later I was home, resting in bed when I received a phone call that woke me. I had thankfully partially got my voice back enough to answer the call. On the other end of the line was James, a different staff member than the one I had spoken with previously.
To my surprise, he said that the first person was wrong, and it fact they could certainly accommodate a different date for me. They were so apologetic. I understand if I couldn’t exchange, but the situation was out of my control so I was so thankful when this amazing news came through. To allow me to fully recover, they offered me a year to come back. I didn’t need this long, but thought this was so very kind. This was amazing customer service and I made sure to thank them profusely on my social media accounts.
A week or so later, I contacted the staff at Harry Potter World to once again thank them for this and to rearrange my Dads birthday day out there. My Dad really wanted to go whilst ‘Hogwarts in the snow’ was still up, so I grabbed the first date offered. Nothing was going to stop us this time… we hoped!
The 17th of January came and Dad arrived early so he could see the lads before they went to school. They love their Grandad so much!
8:30am and we were on our way. The roads were great, clear… and then we hit the M25.
‘Tail backs because of accident on M25’ the google search found. The accident had happened the day before but clearing it was still happening.
Oh no! What if we are late? Will we still be allowed in?
I quickly googled the contact number and spoke to a lovely staff member. The type of worker that sounds like they love their job and are more than happy to speak with you.
Telling him our M25 predicament and our worries about missing our tour, he quickly and calmly reassured anxious me that it was fine and they allow extra time to arrive for times like this. In fact, they have many that have the same situation as ours.
On arrival, our ticket collection and entrance to the WB studios was simple and easy.
The security did a great job and ever staff member we came across had a smile and entertained my Dads crazy jokes and love of a good natter. Things like this make all the difference.
In we went and my gosh even as just an average fan of Harry Potter, I was in complete awe. My Dads face lit up and so did the many flashes of his camera as he snapped away everything he could. Like Dad like Daughter indeed.
As we went into our tour room, the first thing that really got our blood rushing was the fact we were only a foot away from the real cupboard under the stairs. Being the kind of girl I am, I even called over a staff member to confirm to me that this was in fact the real cupboard from the movie. Laughing, she confirmed, and my face lit up again. After a few photos, we went into the room where we were greeted by a lovely tour guide on the microphone. She had great knowledge as a staff member and super fan, but also I adored her little jokes which made the talk more personal.
Into the bigger room, we watched a short movie to prepare us for the next part.
What happened next was simple but so effective, the cinema screen raised up to the view of the Great Hall doors. So unexpected, so brilliant. What an entrance!
‘Anyone here celebrating a birthday?’
‘HE IS!’
I shouted, pointing to my Dad and off he went joined by two others to open the doors to the Great Hall.
Watching on, I loved him having this moment. The thing I look forward to in life is seeing my Dad happy. This was one of those moments.
In we went to the Great Hall and it did not disappoint. The food laid out on the what looked like 100 foot tables, to the costumes on display right behind them and brilliant running commentary.
I booked the digital guide for my Dad and I but once the first part was over, we decided we wanted to take our own lead and look around by ourselves.
Seeing the props so close on display, we were in awe. Pointing out so many of the props, he did as he always loves to do and told me a story about each one. The films they were from, who wore them, what happened. This is something that my Dad gets such joy from and its something I love about him, I’d not change him for the world.
Soon into the tour, I saw that there is a part where we could ride a broomstick in front of the green screen. How awesome would that be, such a brilliant part of the experience. I wasn’t going to pass this up, if we were going to go to Harry Potter World, we were going to jump right in to everything. Before getting on the broomstick, we had our ‘Wanted’ poster photo taken.
Walking into the Forbidden Forest was pretty brilliant. The floor had changed texture, so then the experience of this part was different. I loved that idea. We decided to take the Spider route. (I know, why would I do that?!) But it was so so amazing! As a completely scaredy cat of Spiders, even I enjoyed it! The lights replicated lightening and out came Aragog. For those who don’t know, she is the HUGE spider mummy. Insanely big, even larger in person, I felt!
The babies came down from the ceiling and Aragog came forward and lucky for me… or not, I was up front. Unexpected and such an amazing part of the experience.
We carried on looking about, seeing the props in person really was so brilliant. I had to keep reminding myself that these legendary props were really from the films.
By the end, we came to the incredible, breathtaking castle model. I had no idea this was how the movie Harry Potter was filmed. My Dad however, of course he knew. We went while Hogwarts in the Snow was on so it was covered in a glistening white snowfall. So beautiful. Dad looked in complete awe. He said even just this one part made everything worth it. His favourite part of our whole trip.
So, all in all it was so worth the crazy trip, the minor crash on the way home (the sun was BLINDING!) and the butter beer.
But the best part? Spending the entire day with my Dad, creating memories. Just us.
Another way to create memories? Book a Family session with Dinky Days. Creating that portrait of you all. Whatever the personality, let me capture it in a forever photograph.